Learning to Count Top Tips

Learning to Count Top Tips


Learning to Count Top Tips


Learning to count doesn’t have to wait until your child starts school, there’s lots of ways to start preparing your child and to make those first steps fun! Counting is a key part of a child’s mathematical understanding and once they master this they can tackle more challenging parts of maths. Here’s some top tips to help you and your little one when they learn to count!

Praise and positivity!

Maths might have been your least favourite subject at school – but try not to let your little ones know that! Lots of encouragement and praise will make learning to count a positive experience – it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!


Counting doesn’t have to be something that children come to dread, by using fun and familiar objects counting can be taught in an enjoyable way. Why not line up their favourite teddy bears and get them to practise counting from 1-10? Simple, familiar counting songs are also a great way to get children practising to count their numbers.

Family Learning

Getting the whole family involved is a great way to make counting fun! Cheeky Monkeys will have the whole family laughing as they race to collect and count the most bananas!

Out and About

Counting doesn’t have to be something that stays in the house or classroom – get children to practise counting whilst you’re out and about! How many cars are in front of us? How many ducks are over there? Can you count all the cows? Our sticker and colouring books are great for at home or on the move – 1-20 features bold illustrations, colourful stickers and numbers to trace, making it the perfect way to make counting fun!

Interactive Learning

There’s lots of everyday activities that involve counting, like following recipes. Get budding chefs to practise their counting by helping you to weigh out ingredients for example. Whilst you’re at the shops get your children to practise counting by helping you to count out coins or calculate change.

We’ve got lots of counting games for kids of all ages in our range. Click here to learn more about them!

Counting Top Tips

Friday, 11 October 2019

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