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Environmental Policy

Orchard Toys Limited (‘the organisation’) accepts that the management of the environment is fundamental to its business and is therefore an integral part of its business strategy policy.

The organisation aims to make sound environmental management a feature throughout its activities and have established this Environmental Policy to be consistent with the purpose and context of the Organisation. This policy provides a framework for the setting and review of environmental objectives in relation to our commitment to:

  • protecting the environment, including the prevention of pollution
  • sustainable resource use
  • reduced consumption of natural resources
  • conformance with applicable legislative, regulatory and compliance obligations
  • improvement of waste management practises through re-use and recycling
  • continuous improvement to our Environmental Management System and enhancement of our environmental performance
  • communication of our environmental objectives and performance to employees, suppliers and customers

We have produced environmental objectives which relate to this policy and they can be found in document EMF01 Environmental Objectives.

We are committed to operating our Environmental Systems in a manner that attains and sustains compliance to the International Environmental Management Standard

ISO 14001:2015.

This policy is communicated to our employees, suppliers and customers as well as being made available to the wider community through publication on our Website.

Authorised by:            Simon Newbery  

Position:                      Managing Director


Date Approved:          April 2024

Review Date:               April 2025

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